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Your story

Why Your Fertility Journey Needs a Squad
Why Your Fertility Journey Needs a Squad

Katie, a Fertility Support Series participant in 2022, shares her experience and how she found her fertility squad.

Hannah and Joe share the next chapter in their journey
Hannah and Joe share the next chapter in their journey

We had a conversation with Hannah and her husband, Joe, to discuss the difficult choices they were facing in the next phase of their journey.

Tracy's story
Tracy's story

Tracy' shares her story of hope

Richard's story
Richard's story

Infertility is equally attributable to male and female issues. Richard shares his story of male factor infertility and the feeling of helplessness.

Taryn's story
Taryn's story

Taryn shares her gruelling fertility journey of miscarriage and fertility treatment to create her much-wanted family.

A prospective grandmother's perspective
A prospective grandmother's perspective

Anonymous shares how she supports her son and daughter-in-law through their fertility journey.


Jess and Stacy share their journey of using a clinic donor, fertility treatment, PGD testing and public funding to create their much-wanted family.

Lorraine's story
Lorraine's story

Lorraine and her husband created their family via adoption. Read her story here.

Chelsea's story
Chelsea's story

Chelsea shares her journey through PCOS and Endometriosis

Kathryn's story
Kathryn's story

Kathryn reached the end of her fertility journey without children and reflects on how she let go of the baby dream.

Meg and Mark's Story
Meg and Mark's Story

Meg believes that the more we normalise and talk about it the easier it becomes for people to access the support available. She is inspired by the Fertility NZ Kaupapa and is passionate about making fertility support and access available for everyone in Aotearoa.

Wynne & Mark: An Embryo Donation Story
Wynne & Mark: An Embryo Donation Story

Wynne and Mark share their her story of creating her whanau via embryo donation.

Billie's story
Billie's story

Fertility NZ volunteer Billie opens up about her PCOS diagnosis and fertility journey.

Eva's story
Eva's story

Eva shares her story of unexplained infertility and reflects on the physical journey, including a three-and-a-half-hour drive to the closest clinic for fertility treatment.

Sophie's story
Sophie's story

Sophie shares her story of childhood cancer and at 18 years old underwent fertility treatment and egg collection to preserve her fertility for the future.

Cass and Alan's story
Cass and Alan's story

Cassandra and Alan share their heartbreaking fertility journey of miscarriage and baby loss.

Hannah and Joe's story
Hannah and Joe's story

Hannah and Joe were diagnosed with male factor infertility and share their fertility journey of fertility treatment and miscarriage.

Billie-Jean and Vili's story
Billie-Jean and Vili's story

Billie-Jean and Vili share their story of 'unexplained' infertility

Lisa's story
Lisa's story

Lisa shares her story of endometriosis and infertility.

Rochelle 's story
Rochelle 's story

Single by choice, mum by chance. Rochelle shares her story of courage and determination to single motherhood

We appreciate receiving your stories; hearing how others deal with fertility issues can help you feel less isolated and be a great source of support.

Stay connected

Fertility New Zealand

Tel: 0800 333 306


PO Box 28262, Remuera, Auckland 1541

©2022 by Fertility New Zealand. Proudly created with

Dandelion Fertility NZ
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